Monday, December 21, 2009

What are some good beauty salons in the D.C./NoVa area?

I know 'Hair' probably would've been a better place to put this but I'm asking here since people would probably be more familiar with the area.

Okay, so, I was wondering if anyone knew any really good asian hairstylists that know how to do good asian-style haircuts. Last time I went to get that kind of a haircut I had no choice but to go to a French beauty salon in Alexandria and the woman there totally messed up my hair, but luckily I was able to fix it afterwards, and now I just need to get it cut a little bit but I don't want it to get messed up again. So would anyone know of any good hairstylists in the D.C. area that know how to do asian hairstyles properly?What are some good beauty salons in the D.C./NoVa area?
I went to Kings and Queens Salon in the Woodbridge area, and they did an AWESOME job on my hair. They really were a top notch salon and I highly recommend them. I'm not asian, though, so you could call and ask. But I had an african american woman doing my hair and I swear it was the no.1 best cut I ever got!

Here's a link to their place: are some good beauty salons in the D.C./NoVa area?
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